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Student Devices

Liberty Public Schools provides a device for all students that can be taken home.

  • iPads: K-8
  • MacBook Air: 9-12 and Staff

Important Device Information

Device Protection

Protection Coverage

MacBooks: $30 and $0 for Free/Reduced
iPads: $25 and $0 for Free/Reduced

Coverage can be purchased at One2One Risk Solutions. Claim information can be found at the same site. 


MacBooks: $50 per incident or actual cost if less than $50. $25 for Free/Reduced
iPads: $40 per incident or actual cost if less than $40. $20 for Free/Reduced

Intentional Damage and Lost/Stolen Devices

Intentional damage will be invoiced at the actual cost to repair or replace the item as referenced in board policy JN for student Fees, Fines and Charges and there will be a $100 charge for any lost or stolen device. If the device is recovered, the $100 will be refunded minus any damage protection claims. 

If you are interested in applying for free and reduced lunch status, please visit The application is on the left-hand side of the page and families must reapply each year starting July 1.

IMPORTANT: If your device has any damage or missing cables, please have the students let their teacher know at the elementary level or someone in the LMC for the secondary level so the issues can be resolved before the claim process starts in July. 

Using JAMF Parent to Control Student iPads

The District's device management program has an app that can be used to control the student iPad from 4:30 pm to 6:30 am M-F and all day on Saturday and Sunday. Restrictions can be applied that will allow things such as time of day use, only allowed apps, etc. 

Please note the following:

  • The instructional video gives an example for JAMF School and JAMF Pro. The District utilizes JAMF Pro.
  • You do not have to setup locations. You will only setup locations if you want different access at different locations. 
  • The login QR code can be found in the Self Service app on the student's iPad by clicking the icon in the top righthand corner.

Setup and Instructions for Managing Student iPads

Learn More

Want to learn more? Please select an orientation below to learn more about Liberty Public School's student device program. For questions about the program please contact a building administrator for your school.

Student Orientations:

Parent Orientations for all grade levels: